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European Crossborder Skills (ECBS)

    This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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    The ECBS Platform


    LINK: https://app.european-crossborder-skills.eu/home


    Teaser - Presentation of the ECBS Platform




    The implementation of the certificate concerns two Intellectual Outputs: the Intellectual Output O3 "Certificate of Cross-border Skills" and the Intellectual Output O4 "Platform".


    The Intellectual Output O3 "Certificate of Cross-border Skills"

    The work of the Intellectual Output O3 "Certificate of Cross-border Skills" has been articulated around the following tasks:

    1. Implementing a common methodology to assess the skills

    A validation map has been designed to assess and validate each skill defined in the ECBS framework. This document will be only used by the evaluators during the assessment process. 

    Each skill has been divided into earning criteria thanks to the definition of the skills mentioned in the ECBS framework.

    For each skill, the user must provide indirect evidences and must write an explanation to justify the relation between the skill and the evidences.

    2. Defining the kind of certification

    The possibilities of certification offered by the project are: 

    • OpenBadges: to get a virtual badge for each skill acquired.

    • Certificate: to get an official paper certificate issued by the institution mentioning the skills the user has validated.

    Each partner of the ECBS project has chosen the kind of certificate they will deliver taking into account their own particularities: partners can deliver only one of them (either OpenBadges or a Certificate), or both (OpenBadges and Certificate). 

    3. Implementing validation procedures for each partner

    A validation procedure has been implemented by each partner in order to take their own particularities into account.

    This procedure fixes:

    • The choice of certificate to be delivered: OpenBadges, Certificate, both.

    • Frequency of certification per academic year.

    • Persons in charge of the evaluation procedure: modalities to choose these persons, implementation of an evaluation committee.


    The Intellectual Output O4 "Platform" 


    The Intellectual Output O4 "Platform" mainly focuses on the design and development of the European Cross-border Platform.


    The ECBS Platform is dedicated to users of each partner of the ECBS project that have lived a cross-border experience thanks to a cross-border programme.


    The ECBS Platform is a tool that allows the users to identify cross-border skills and obtain a certificate for them.


    The ECBS Platform will open soon. It will be available on a web version and on cell phone app.


    The ECBS Platform offers the possibility to highlight the results of the four Intellectual Outputs of the project: 


    1. The user can use a map to visualize which are the devices, tools or programmes, set up by its university about cross-border cooperation (Intellectual Output O1).

    2. The user can have a look at the list of skills defined by the ECBS Framework (Intellectual Output O2).

    The user can select the skills they think they have gained during their cross-border experience.

    Some use cases are proposed to illustrate the meaning of each skill in the ECBS project to help the user.


     3. The user can export those identified skills to use them on their resume, social networks and so on.


     4. The user will have to upload a series of documents for evidence and explanation of these skills, in order to obtain their certification (Intellectual Output O3).


     5. Once the user has submitted their request, a local committee will review it and will issue its certification through OpenBadges, or an official paper certificate, or both depending on the choice made by the institution to which the user belongs (Intellectual Output O4).